Web Developer

Website Architect

Backend and Frontend

"A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.” — John A. Shedd.


Improving our programming skills. Get programming topics.

This is a website with the goal of improving our programming skills.

Here you will get some programming topics to keep us updated, solve and improve your code.

Technologies Implemented in this Project: 
Technologies Implemented in this Project: 


Save your favorite youtube 
videos in the easiest way.

JVideo is the ideal website where you can save your favorite YouTube videos in the easiest way.

Create your own video collection For watch any video you prefer.

Technologies Implemented in this Project: 


You can invite anyone to join you and chat in the EASIEST WAY.


Support the operations in a fuel company.

This is a Web Application with the goal of support the operations in a fuel company in a simple way, for both Drivers and personal office.

Technologies Implemented in this Project: 

Knowledge of website architecture, web page content and web platform development. Backend and Frontend.

Knowledge of website architecture, web page content and web platform development. Backend and Frontend.